Terms of delivery and payment

Our offers and services are exclusively subject to the following terms and conditions, even if the business partner’s terms and conditions of purchase are not contradicted.

  1. Delivery on account is at the expense and risk of the recipient. The recipient is obliged to accept parts that had to be specially made for him. We reserve the right to make reasonable excess or short deliveries. Call-off orders must be accepted within one year.
  2. Delivery times quoted are only approximate and subject to change. Claims for damages for late deliveries cannot be asserted against us. The buyer is only entitled to withdraw from the contract if we have not delivered within a period of grace to be set in writing.
  3. All prices are subject to change ex place of delivery excluding VAT and do not include packaging. Invoicing shall be based on the prices and discounts applicable on the day of delivery.
  4. Payment within 8 days from date of invoice with 2% discount or within 30 days net cash. Payment by bill of exchange and check is only valid after payment has been honored.
  5. Retention of title exists for all delivered goods until payment of all our claims arising from the overall relationship, even if these goods are resold. Purchase price claims of our customers from a resale of the goods delivered by us are hereby assigned to us and secure all outstanding claims from the business relationship. In the event of further processing, it is agreed that the purchaser shall transfer to us proportional co-ownership within the meaning of § 947 paragraph 1 BGB (German Civil Code) and shall keep the manufactured item in safe custody for us. If such processed items are resold, that part of our customer’s purchase price claim shall be assigned to us which is proportionately attributable to our co-ownership.
  6. Warranty claims against us are only justified to the extent that we have warranty claims against our suppliers. We are entitled and, at the request of our customers, obliged to assign our warranty claims against our suppliers to our customers. Complaints or notices of defects will only be considered if they are made in writing within 7 days of the invoice date.
  7. These terms and conditions shall also apply to future transactions as long as they are not changed by us.
  8. The place of performance for both parties is 88299 Leutkirch
    The place of jurisdiction for both parties is 88212 Ravensburg

W. Fritzsching GmbH & Co Kg 88299 Leutkirch

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